Friday 5 December 2008

2.3 Filming And Editing Diary.

I found the whole project very challenging but in a good way. My first idea was to base the video on anorexia and bullimia and I did stick to this however I changed a lot from my animatic to my actual video. When I began filming, I wanted to have someone else acting in the video however this had to be changed and I ended up playing the anorexic girl. I origionally decided on filming near the end, a long shot of myself crying in my underwear as I thought it would give a sence of vulnerability but it didnt fit in with the rest of the video. The filming didnt go too well at first as I had to record twice because when I went to play back what i first had recorded, nothing was actually recorded. I used the tripod more than I thought I would and I managed some interesting shots and angles with it. It was difficult making the lighting in my room work with the camera but some worked well, with the camera capturing certain shadows on my face ect. I changed parts of my animatic too, cutting out the shot of the anorexic girl with all her freinds having a laugh before she got caught up in bulimia because I felt my video would look better as a routine of the girl's life, getting told like a story.

When editing, I found it very hard at first. A lot of my shots were mixed up or not there. Once they had all been retrieved I began to put them in their places
I orginally wanted my video to be on a big screen and in colour however when experimenting with the effects on iMovie HD I decided on a four screen effect in black and white. I did this because I felt that the video had a more intensity with these effects.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

1.4.The Use Of Exhibition Space To Create Meaning.

At the tate modern we viewed many exhibitions. These were Susan Hiller, Jonas Mekas, Dan Graham, Pawel Kwiek and Dominique Gonzalez. One exhibition that created alot of effect by its use of its space was Dominque Gonzalez. Her art took up a whole floor with giant models hanging from the ceiling and the whole floor was covered by yellow and blue bunkbeds. When walking through the exhibition so many imiidate thoughts run through your head. The objects Gonzalez uses are very random, with a giant apple core at the end of the room and distorted insects hanging from the wall. These raise a lot of questions such as what do they mean, why did she put them there ect. The video itself was very unusual. It was projected on a large screen, and the imagery was really fuzzy and unfocused. I didnt really understand what her point was, but the way she placed everything made me feel clausterphobic and confused. Susan Hiller's exhibition was very isolated. The room was lit by the five screens on the wall. They were projected in colour and gave a sence of a futuristic world. I was more drawn to her piece because of the way the room was layed out. There was a long cushioned chair along the back facing nothing but the screens. The two small doorways on either side let in little light so when you enter, you seem to forget whats going on outside and around you and focus more on the video. I liked the way her piece was repeatative and all five clips from the films amounted to something big at the end. She created a eery effect when the screens went fuzzy and gave off a loud alerting noise. Jonas Meka's piece was very effective. It was in a small, isolated room that isnt very noticable. The screen where the video was projected was very small. Because the room was so dark, when viewing the video you are completely unaware of anything else because the flashing lights from it capture your eyes fully. The motion is very quick and gives off a sence of panic at times. When sitting in the room i began to feel tired because it was so quiet and dark but the imagery grabbed your attention. Meka's inspired me for my video because I want it to be viewed in an isolated space where everyone has nothing else to focus on and be distracted by and he did just this with his.

Monday 20 October 2008

2.1 Treatment :)

Btec National Diploma In Media (Film and TV)



CAMERA OPERATOR: Me (Sofia Camacho)

DURATION: 3- 4 minutes.

FORMAT: Video, real people, not text just actors and scenes.

AUDIO: Background music, piano.
Alicia Keys Intro
Comptine D’un Autre (2.19 mins)
Sunrise-Nora Jones (3.20)
Samson- Regina Spektor

My ideal audience would be sixteen year olds, mainly girls because that’s the sort of audience that would appreciate and most be affected and influenced by the point raised in my video.

[[Original Idea:
Scene1: Girl goes to bedroom to try on top. Looks in mirror and at body and doesn’t like it. Puts half eaten choc bar in bin. Reads magazine in bed, full of skinny models and celebrities then goes to bed.
Scene2: Tries on top again, mirror, body, doesn’t like what she sees, and scrapes dinner in bin. Reads magazine, goes to bed.
Scene3: Tries on top, now girl is looking tired, no makeup, hair scraped back looking ill and feeble. Mirror, doesn’t like what she sees, leaves half peeled orange on side, reads magazine and goes to bed.
Scene4: Girl is now looking awful, tries on top, way too big, really baggy. Looks over at magazine at one particular picture, puts on sunglasses jeans and shoes, small smile at mirror.
Scene5: Walking down street, gets stares from everyone, looks in shop window, down at stomach, covers up and throws food in public bin.]]

Final Idea:
Images/ video clips of girl in three different shots. For example, looking at images in magazines of skinny models, throwing food away, looking in mirror, crying etc. These images are repeated for half of the song that’s playing and then the whole screen gets filled with a shot of girl near the end of the song. The shot is short and is of her enjoying time with friends before anorexia, edited in an antique rustic look, sepia tone. This image then fades out and is replaced with an image of a stomach with a measuring tape round it, focusing on 22 inches. The music stops and the measuring tape is dropped, girl walks into bathroom and shuts door.

Anorexic girl suffers with bulimia:
Characters as her friends- 16 year olds.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

5.Is It Important We All Have One Interpretation? What Was The Reaction? Does This Matter?

I think its important that we all have an interpretation but not the same. Most of these artists have created their videos so that they address many possibilities and points, not just one. This way, an audience thinks more into the point of the video, and listens and then acts. For example, Koyaanisqatsi was a very effective piece, and had a main point, but the way it was presented left the audience thinking of other possibilities. Some people in the class thought it was relating to global warming and the vicious circle the world is in, however when looking more into the video, particularly at the images shown, we began to discuss what other points are made, for example, some of the repeatative images shown with the machines and loud arcade like music, create a sence that we are controlled, and are like robots doing the same thing everyday. With most videos, our interpretation as a group was the same. This is good because it shows that the artist's point has been understood. I think its important everyone receives a message from the videos because thats the artists intention, but I dont think it needs to be the same message, just on the same lines. I think what we bring to the video as individuals is very important. For example, we all come from very different backgrounds and the way we interpret what we see through the videos may have the same idea but are discussed in different ways because we all relate to the point made, but its little things in the video that we relate to as individuals. Overall I think that its important that everyone has a view, and even more beneficial if its the same interpretation because then the artist's point is more understood, and effective.

Friday 10 October 2008

4.How Do These Works Inspire My Own?

I was inspired by Simon Ellis's piece Telling Lies because I only then understood that you dont have to make your Experimental Video too serious, it can be light hearted and humorous as long as it has a point. Another video that encouraged some of my ideas of how to present my points was Doll Face by Andrew Huang. I liked the way he addressed his point, using a robot with a humans face. It was quite a sad yet intruiging video and the point of it was really obvious, which made it easier for me as an audience to understand and because of this, it affected me more. For my video, I wanted to use a point that keeps getting raised in today's world and in the medias eye, and Doll Face does exactly that, so it gave me some ideas on how to show the point I want to make. Koyannisqatsi inspired me with the way the images fitted the music. In my video I want to draw the audience in using sounds or the pace of my images and Koyannisqatsi shows how you do that well.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

3.Do The Story Lines All Have A Typical Narrative?

In Koyaanisqatsi, the video is a very narrative story. It begins with the cave drawings and ends with this image to. In the middle of the video, its very repeatative, showing the same images over and over again. I would call this the middle of the 'story'. The music and use of images helps set out a beginning middle and end, as to start with, the video is very calm and natural, with slow quiet music and a panning shot of mountains and trees which run for a long time. However, half way through, the music picks up as do the images and they start to change quicker. Then, this calms down and the video finishes with the same cave drawing images. Whereas in 1001 Nights, the video has no real structure. Each actor takes their turn to speak and then the film ends. The structure is quite simple, as not much changes, apart from the person speaking. The Girl Chewing Gum has a mild traditional structure, as there is a build up to what the artist is doing, and then a conclusion ( when the image of the countryside appears). However, there is no introduction, and as an audience we are thrown straight into a scene. A traditional structure in a experimental video works well for and with an audience because its easier to understand and follow. When a video has a structure, the point of it is more likely to be clear and understood by an audience. However, sometimes a non traditional structure is better because if a video is short and different yet still having a point, more of an audience would enjoy it and not be too confused. I think that a traditional structure or a video with at least a basic, beginning middle and end works well if it isnt too obvious. I think this because its not too random but still displays the artist's point well. It makes a video enjoyable yet still so it makes scence. An audience is more likely to understand a video with a traditional structure because its simpler. They are more likely to take meaning from it where as with an unstructured piece, they are more likely to get confused because they cannot always see what they artist can or think how the artist was thinking at the time of making the video.In conclusion, I think experimental videos are better with a structure, as it makes it clearer for an audience to understand. Experimental videos can be quite difficult to understand as it is and when they have no structure, the artist's point isnt really expressed enough. Where as if the video has a structure, we as an audience can see their point more clearly thus making it affect us more and achieving the artist's goal.

2.Discuss The Use Of Technology,Techniques & Styles. How Does The Use Of Technology Differ ?

The technology in 'Jan Kanen' by Gisele Kerozene is very advanced. The artist uses a technique called Stop Animation. This works well as you can manipulate the size and speed of certain things. The video is a modern, craft driven piece. Its very effective and interesting because of the use of colours and sound. The video is styled in a strange way, with lots of different things occuring in each shot. On the other hand, 1001 Nights by Jananne Ali-Ani is a less complex video. It uses an ordinary video camera and consists of a plain background and five actors. The video uses no effects to create affect. For example, the actors describing their 'experiences' in detail makes the audience focus more on them as thats all you can see and it leaves some affect. Whereas in Jan Kanen, the effects are the main part of the video and the artist is trying to show what she knows about the technology. The Girl Chewing Gum is an old video, yet it does use the best technology available at that time. I think perhaps the reason the video has no effects may be because its so expensive to use.The artist John Smith again uses a normal camera and includes no effects or lighting. The only effect is the black and white screen but I think that was non nagociable because of when it was made.

1.Discuss Both Past And Current Artists & Works. Discuss At Least 3 Of The Artists You Have Looked At Comparing General Similarities And Differences.

During my lessons, I have been introduced to many different artists. Some of these are, John Smith, Simon Ellis, Jananne Ali-Ani, Godery Reggio and Gisele Kerozene. All the artists have the same passion and show it in the same form however, they all have different points to make in their videos. John Smith's video links well to Godery Reggio's Koyaanisqatsi. Both relate with their points made. Smith makes the point in his video, The Girl Chewing Gum, that the world is controlled, everyone gets controlled by a higher power but they are just unaware. Reggio also makes the point that our world is in a vicious circle, and controlled by machines and things that pollute it. Both artists agree on the point that sometimes, we are lead to believe other things just by what we see or hear. This links to Simon Ellis's video as he uses the same point, that we all believe what we see or hear and shows it by showing the truth visually and the lies through audio however he takes a different approach and styles his video in a more lighter way. Simon Ellis made his point in a humorous video thats really natural, simply put together with people having phone conversations. This works nicely for an audience as they can relate to more rather than watching an experimental video that has too many points to make and is shown in so many different ways that it doesnt make much sence. When watching Koyaanisqatsi, I understood the point of the video when the images of people working, sped up and then it flicked to a bombed block of flats. I then realised what the point of Reggio's video was. He had made ther people look almost like robots. This thought occured to me also, when I was watching The Girl Chewing Gum. This is because it shows alot of footage on normal people going about ordinary things, but because he was commentating over them, it made them look like robots, getting controlled. I then understood the point both artists had made in the peice-that the world and people in it are always getting controlled, we just arn't always aware.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Review 2 :)

I then watched another two experimental videos. I had to analyise these and write about how they affected me, and what I thought of them.
My first choice was Telling Lies made by Simon Ellis. This video was very amusing to watch as it was shown in such an unusual and clever way. The background was black with a textually based theme. The letters and words flashed quickly in different colours. The plain background made it easier to read the words that came up as they stood out more. The pace of the words is inline with the audio apart from when the characters are lying and the text cleverly changes to what their thinking rather than what their saying. This piece is non diagetic and diagetic. Everytime the phone rang, the screen would crackle slightly or flash, the sound fitted the imagery. Even though you cannot see a phone or the characters, you can hear the dialling tone and conversations. With each character there are different tones, pronounciation on words, agressive, high pitched etc. The premise in this video is about people lying to each other. The artist is making a point of how nothing is ever proved, its easier to mask your true thoughts rather than look someone in the eye and tell the truth. The main point behind this video is how we all believe what we read rather than what we here, thus why the text was typed up on the screen while the characters spoke the lies. After watching this video i was very engrosed in the characters story. It was very amusing and didnt hold back at any times which was very good as its more realistic and believeable. Its easier to relate to. The whole piece wouldnt have even had a point if it didnt have the text, as it tells the truth and proves the artists point/theory.

The second video I watched was 'The Girl Chewing Gum' by John Smith. The video was made in 1976. It was a real video with real people which was good as it was believable. The set was in a town centre outside a shop. The artist, John Smith was narrating the fim but made it look like he was directing the people in the shot. This worked well, in a humourous way. It was mainly non-diagetic because of all the commentry. The video was all in black and white which was a bit boring to watch because it was so long as well. I liked the way the video was un edited as it made it more real. The way John began to joke after a while about certain people made it more interesting, for example when he spoke of the man who had a gun in his pocket. The video became more exciting. It was a bit too long, and didnt seem to have a strong point at first, until you look further into it. I think the premise is about getting lead to believe things that are untrue and the concept that theres control in the world and that we are being controlled without realising. John's point is that you can always be fooled with the help of audio or visual.

Saturday 27 September 2008

Review 1 :)

In class I had to watch two Experimental Videos and comment on how they were presented, what points they made and how they made me feel.
The first film was '1001 Nights' made by Jananne Ali-Ani and lasted for six minutes.
Her video was very simple, and consied of five female actors in a row with their eyes shut and facing the camera. The background was black and this worked well as it made me focus more on the actors rather than anything else occuring in the background. Many visual images were created when the women spoke. They described in such detail that any other effects wernt necassary. The way they were all positioned gave off other emotions like vulnerablity and loneliness. The audio was Diegetic and each actor had a small monologue. I think the premise of this video is womens dreams or experiences of war. After watching the film i was intrigued to find out what happened to some of the actors and whether it was true or not. For example, one woman spoke of how she got in the car but then couldnt drive and soldiers were approaching her. I think the piece would have been better if it had sound effects so it would seem more real.

The second video I watched was Godery Reggio's piece, Koyannisqatsi and lasted for 1 hour and 20 minutes. I liked the way the film stayed on one particular shot as it gave more emphasis. The images were very distructive and shocking and each frame sort of drew me in because they were shown for such a long period. The pace of images linked with the pace of music and was very repeatative, especially at the beginning and end when the film's title is repeated in a sinister chant. It was almost like watching history occur, and was educational as it started from cave drawings and proceeded to wars and rockets. Reggio cleverly finished the film as it started almost making the point of how we are in a viscious circle. By speeding the footage up and changing the music to a more upbeat sound, it made the people in the vide almost look like machines themselves which I think was also a point Reggio was trying to make clear. I think the premise of this video is to educate people on real events, almost like a warning.

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Brighton Trip 08 :)

This is the first image I have chosen. I chose it because firstly, it shows how neglected Brighton Beach has become. The fact that half of West Pier is hanging off ready to fall into the sea shows that it isnt cared for and eventually will all collapse. It also shows a lack of respect from people these days as nothing has been done to demolish it or fix it, it has just been left there to naturally crumble and pollute the sea. It shows how the history of Brighton has just been forgotten which is a great shame. This picture is also very dark and almost scary as it captures certain parts of the old pier, such as lights still left hanging off parts of it. This picture makes an interesting point as it shows how ruined parts of the Pier and beach are and because its just been left its a good argument for the way the beach is and should be percieved.

This is my second chosen image. I picked this picture because it shows what people use the beach for nowadays. Now, the beach is a place to get drunk with your mates or just muck around whereas when people used to go to the beach, it was a place for family time, relaxing and swimming. In a way it still is however, more people use it in a more recreational way which is ok to do, however what most postcards, magazines and telivision programmes dont show are the dangers and mess left behind, like broken glass bottles, ciggerete butts and other things that pollute the beach.

What Do I Think An Experimental Video Is?

I think an Experimental Video is a form of art expressed through the use of a video camera. It consists of lots of things such as :video art, electronic art, alternative TV, community video, guerrilla television and computer art. It uses an artist's imagination and the inner logic of a T.V to express a certain point. Many artists use this technique to express their views as it is a more interesting way to see it and a larger audience are more likely to take the time to watch it as its shown in an different form .I expect to create our own experimental videos using ideas from our little trip down to Brighton or from ideas we learn in class.