Monday 20 October 2008

2.1 Treatment :)

Btec National Diploma In Media (Film and TV)



CAMERA OPERATOR: Me (Sofia Camacho)

DURATION: 3- 4 minutes.

FORMAT: Video, real people, not text just actors and scenes.

AUDIO: Background music, piano.
Alicia Keys Intro
Comptine D’un Autre (2.19 mins)
Sunrise-Nora Jones (3.20)
Samson- Regina Spektor

My ideal audience would be sixteen year olds, mainly girls because that’s the sort of audience that would appreciate and most be affected and influenced by the point raised in my video.

[[Original Idea:
Scene1: Girl goes to bedroom to try on top. Looks in mirror and at body and doesn’t like it. Puts half eaten choc bar in bin. Reads magazine in bed, full of skinny models and celebrities then goes to bed.
Scene2: Tries on top again, mirror, body, doesn’t like what she sees, and scrapes dinner in bin. Reads magazine, goes to bed.
Scene3: Tries on top, now girl is looking tired, no makeup, hair scraped back looking ill and feeble. Mirror, doesn’t like what she sees, leaves half peeled orange on side, reads magazine and goes to bed.
Scene4: Girl is now looking awful, tries on top, way too big, really baggy. Looks over at magazine at one particular picture, puts on sunglasses jeans and shoes, small smile at mirror.
Scene5: Walking down street, gets stares from everyone, looks in shop window, down at stomach, covers up and throws food in public bin.]]

Final Idea:
Images/ video clips of girl in three different shots. For example, looking at images in magazines of skinny models, throwing food away, looking in mirror, crying etc. These images are repeated for half of the song that’s playing and then the whole screen gets filled with a shot of girl near the end of the song. The shot is short and is of her enjoying time with friends before anorexia, edited in an antique rustic look, sepia tone. This image then fades out and is replaced with an image of a stomach with a measuring tape round it, focusing on 22 inches. The music stops and the measuring tape is dropped, girl walks into bathroom and shuts door.

Anorexic girl suffers with bulimia:
Characters as her friends- 16 year olds.

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