Saturday 27 September 2008

Review 1 :)

In class I had to watch two Experimental Videos and comment on how they were presented, what points they made and how they made me feel.
The first film was '1001 Nights' made by Jananne Ali-Ani and lasted for six minutes.
Her video was very simple, and consied of five female actors in a row with their eyes shut and facing the camera. The background was black and this worked well as it made me focus more on the actors rather than anything else occuring in the background. Many visual images were created when the women spoke. They described in such detail that any other effects wernt necassary. The way they were all positioned gave off other emotions like vulnerablity and loneliness. The audio was Diegetic and each actor had a small monologue. I think the premise of this video is womens dreams or experiences of war. After watching the film i was intrigued to find out what happened to some of the actors and whether it was true or not. For example, one woman spoke of how she got in the car but then couldnt drive and soldiers were approaching her. I think the piece would have been better if it had sound effects so it would seem more real.

The second video I watched was Godery Reggio's piece, Koyannisqatsi and lasted for 1 hour and 20 minutes. I liked the way the film stayed on one particular shot as it gave more emphasis. The images were very distructive and shocking and each frame sort of drew me in because they were shown for such a long period. The pace of images linked with the pace of music and was very repeatative, especially at the beginning and end when the film's title is repeated in a sinister chant. It was almost like watching history occur, and was educational as it started from cave drawings and proceeded to wars and rockets. Reggio cleverly finished the film as it started almost making the point of how we are in a viscious circle. By speeding the footage up and changing the music to a more upbeat sound, it made the people in the vide almost look like machines themselves which I think was also a point Reggio was trying to make clear. I think the premise of this video is to educate people on real events, almost like a warning.

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