Tuesday 14 October 2008

5.Is It Important We All Have One Interpretation? What Was The Reaction? Does This Matter?

I think its important that we all have an interpretation but not the same. Most of these artists have created their videos so that they address many possibilities and points, not just one. This way, an audience thinks more into the point of the video, and listens and then acts. For example, Koyaanisqatsi was a very effective piece, and had a main point, but the way it was presented left the audience thinking of other possibilities. Some people in the class thought it was relating to global warming and the vicious circle the world is in, however when looking more into the video, particularly at the images shown, we began to discuss what other points are made, for example, some of the repeatative images shown with the machines and loud arcade like music, create a sence that we are controlled, and are like robots doing the same thing everyday. With most videos, our interpretation as a group was the same. This is good because it shows that the artist's point has been understood. I think its important everyone receives a message from the videos because thats the artists intention, but I dont think it needs to be the same message, just on the same lines. I think what we bring to the video as individuals is very important. For example, we all come from very different backgrounds and the way we interpret what we see through the videos may have the same idea but are discussed in different ways because we all relate to the point made, but its little things in the video that we relate to as individuals. Overall I think that its important that everyone has a view, and even more beneficial if its the same interpretation because then the artist's point is more understood, and effective.

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