Tuesday 7 October 2008

1.Discuss Both Past And Current Artists & Works. Discuss At Least 3 Of The Artists You Have Looked At Comparing General Similarities And Differences.

During my lessons, I have been introduced to many different artists. Some of these are, John Smith, Simon Ellis, Jananne Ali-Ani, Godery Reggio and Gisele Kerozene. All the artists have the same passion and show it in the same form however, they all have different points to make in their videos. John Smith's video links well to Godery Reggio's Koyaanisqatsi. Both relate with their points made. Smith makes the point in his video, The Girl Chewing Gum, that the world is controlled, everyone gets controlled by a higher power but they are just unaware. Reggio also makes the point that our world is in a vicious circle, and controlled by machines and things that pollute it. Both artists agree on the point that sometimes, we are lead to believe other things just by what we see or hear. This links to Simon Ellis's video as he uses the same point, that we all believe what we see or hear and shows it by showing the truth visually and the lies through audio however he takes a different approach and styles his video in a more lighter way. Simon Ellis made his point in a humorous video thats really natural, simply put together with people having phone conversations. This works nicely for an audience as they can relate to more rather than watching an experimental video that has too many points to make and is shown in so many different ways that it doesnt make much sence. When watching Koyaanisqatsi, I understood the point of the video when the images of people working, sped up and then it flicked to a bombed block of flats. I then realised what the point of Reggio's video was. He had made ther people look almost like robots. This thought occured to me also, when I was watching The Girl Chewing Gum. This is because it shows alot of footage on normal people going about ordinary things, but because he was commentating over them, it made them look like robots, getting controlled. I then understood the point both artists had made in the peice-that the world and people in it are always getting controlled, we just arn't always aware.


CSC MEDIA said...

Great start Sofia. check the post "Kead" I think you mean lead? this is a very good introduction move onto the next post chapter 2. Can you title the chapters with the number and question.

CSC MEDIA said...

This is good can you add to this explaining the areas in the films/videos that make you feel the meaning you have taken from it?