Tuesday 11 November 2008

1.4.The Use Of Exhibition Space To Create Meaning.

At the tate modern we viewed many exhibitions. These were Susan Hiller, Jonas Mekas, Dan Graham, Pawel Kwiek and Dominique Gonzalez. One exhibition that created alot of effect by its use of its space was Dominque Gonzalez. Her art took up a whole floor with giant models hanging from the ceiling and the whole floor was covered by yellow and blue bunkbeds. When walking through the exhibition so many imiidate thoughts run through your head. The objects Gonzalez uses are very random, with a giant apple core at the end of the room and distorted insects hanging from the wall. These raise a lot of questions such as what do they mean, why did she put them there ect. The video itself was very unusual. It was projected on a large screen, and the imagery was really fuzzy and unfocused. I didnt really understand what her point was, but the way she placed everything made me feel clausterphobic and confused. Susan Hiller's exhibition was very isolated. The room was lit by the five screens on the wall. They were projected in colour and gave a sence of a futuristic world. I was more drawn to her piece because of the way the room was layed out. There was a long cushioned chair along the back facing nothing but the screens. The two small doorways on either side let in little light so when you enter, you seem to forget whats going on outside and around you and focus more on the video. I liked the way her piece was repeatative and all five clips from the films amounted to something big at the end. She created a eery effect when the screens went fuzzy and gave off a loud alerting noise. Jonas Meka's piece was very effective. It was in a small, isolated room that isnt very noticable. The screen where the video was projected was very small. Because the room was so dark, when viewing the video you are completely unaware of anything else because the flashing lights from it capture your eyes fully. The motion is very quick and gives off a sence of panic at times. When sitting in the room i began to feel tired because it was so quiet and dark but the imagery grabbed your attention. Meka's inspired me for my video because I want it to be viewed in an isolated space where everyone has nothing else to focus on and be distracted by and he did just this with his.

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