Friday 10 October 2008

4.How Do These Works Inspire My Own?

I was inspired by Simon Ellis's piece Telling Lies because I only then understood that you dont have to make your Experimental Video too serious, it can be light hearted and humorous as long as it has a point. Another video that encouraged some of my ideas of how to present my points was Doll Face by Andrew Huang. I liked the way he addressed his point, using a robot with a humans face. It was quite a sad yet intruiging video and the point of it was really obvious, which made it easier for me as an audience to understand and because of this, it affected me more. For my video, I wanted to use a point that keeps getting raised in today's world and in the medias eye, and Doll Face does exactly that, so it gave me some ideas on how to show the point I want to make. Koyannisqatsi inspired me with the way the images fitted the music. In my video I want to draw the audience in using sounds or the pace of my images and Koyannisqatsi shows how you do that well.

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