Tuesday 7 October 2008

2.Discuss The Use Of Technology,Techniques & Styles. How Does The Use Of Technology Differ ?

The technology in 'Jan Kanen' by Gisele Kerozene is very advanced. The artist uses a technique called Stop Animation. This works well as you can manipulate the size and speed of certain things. The video is a modern, craft driven piece. Its very effective and interesting because of the use of colours and sound. The video is styled in a strange way, with lots of different things occuring in each shot. On the other hand, 1001 Nights by Jananne Ali-Ani is a less complex video. It uses an ordinary video camera and consists of a plain background and five actors. The video uses no effects to create affect. For example, the actors describing their 'experiences' in detail makes the audience focus more on them as thats all you can see and it leaves some affect. Whereas in Jan Kanen, the effects are the main part of the video and the artist is trying to show what she knows about the technology. The Girl Chewing Gum is an old video, yet it does use the best technology available at that time. I think perhaps the reason the video has no effects may be because its so expensive to use.The artist John Smith again uses a normal camera and includes no effects or lighting. The only effect is the black and white screen but I think that was non nagociable because of when it was made.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Be careful with your discussion on Girl chewing gum, although it was made in 1970's it was up-to-date (not the best) technology then. Remember that it is not just age that restricts access to technology, Money too.