Tuesday 7 October 2008

3.Do The Story Lines All Have A Typical Narrative?

In Koyaanisqatsi, the video is a very narrative story. It begins with the cave drawings and ends with this image to. In the middle of the video, its very repeatative, showing the same images over and over again. I would call this the middle of the 'story'. The music and use of images helps set out a beginning middle and end, as to start with, the video is very calm and natural, with slow quiet music and a panning shot of mountains and trees which run for a long time. However, half way through, the music picks up as do the images and they start to change quicker. Then, this calms down and the video finishes with the same cave drawing images. Whereas in 1001 Nights, the video has no real structure. Each actor takes their turn to speak and then the film ends. The structure is quite simple, as not much changes, apart from the person speaking. The Girl Chewing Gum has a mild traditional structure, as there is a build up to what the artist is doing, and then a conclusion ( when the image of the countryside appears). However, there is no introduction, and as an audience we are thrown straight into a scene. A traditional structure in a experimental video works well for and with an audience because its easier to understand and follow. When a video has a structure, the point of it is more likely to be clear and understood by an audience. However, sometimes a non traditional structure is better because if a video is short and different yet still having a point, more of an audience would enjoy it and not be too confused. I think that a traditional structure or a video with at least a basic, beginning middle and end works well if it isnt too obvious. I think this because its not too random but still displays the artist's point well. It makes a video enjoyable yet still so it makes scence. An audience is more likely to understand a video with a traditional structure because its simpler. They are more likely to take meaning from it where as with an unstructured piece, they are more likely to get confused because they cannot always see what they artist can or think how the artist was thinking at the time of making the video.In conclusion, I think experimental videos are better with a structure, as it makes it clearer for an audience to understand. Experimental videos can be quite difficult to understand as it is and when they have no structure, the artist's point isnt really expressed enough. Where as if the video has a structure, we as an audience can see their point more clearly thus making it affect us more and achieving the artist's goal.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Change your question at the top. All of these videos have a narrative, just that some are more typical than others. You need to explain the effect that a traditional or non traditional narrative has on the way we, the audience take meaning from it.