Tuesday 23 September 2008

Brighton Trip 08 :)

This is the first image I have chosen. I chose it because firstly, it shows how neglected Brighton Beach has become. The fact that half of West Pier is hanging off ready to fall into the sea shows that it isnt cared for and eventually will all collapse. It also shows a lack of respect from people these days as nothing has been done to demolish it or fix it, it has just been left there to naturally crumble and pollute the sea. It shows how the history of Brighton has just been forgotten which is a great shame. This picture is also very dark and almost scary as it captures certain parts of the old pier, such as lights still left hanging off parts of it. This picture makes an interesting point as it shows how ruined parts of the Pier and beach are and because its just been left its a good argument for the way the beach is and should be percieved.

This is my second chosen image. I picked this picture because it shows what people use the beach for nowadays. Now, the beach is a place to get drunk with your mates or just muck around whereas when people used to go to the beach, it was a place for family time, relaxing and swimming. In a way it still is however, more people use it in a more recreational way which is ok to do, however what most postcards, magazines and telivision programmes dont show are the dangers and mess left behind, like broken glass bottles, ciggerete butts and other things that pollute the beach.

1 comment:

LouSqueeze said...

Hey! That was one fun trip :D