Friday 5 December 2008

2.3 Filming And Editing Diary.

I found the whole project very challenging but in a good way. My first idea was to base the video on anorexia and bullimia and I did stick to this however I changed a lot from my animatic to my actual video. When I began filming, I wanted to have someone else acting in the video however this had to be changed and I ended up playing the anorexic girl. I origionally decided on filming near the end, a long shot of myself crying in my underwear as I thought it would give a sence of vulnerability but it didnt fit in with the rest of the video. The filming didnt go too well at first as I had to record twice because when I went to play back what i first had recorded, nothing was actually recorded. I used the tripod more than I thought I would and I managed some interesting shots and angles with it. It was difficult making the lighting in my room work with the camera but some worked well, with the camera capturing certain shadows on my face ect. I changed parts of my animatic too, cutting out the shot of the anorexic girl with all her freinds having a laugh before she got caught up in bulimia because I felt my video would look better as a routine of the girl's life, getting told like a story.

When editing, I found it very hard at first. A lot of my shots were mixed up or not there. Once they had all been retrieved I began to put them in their places
I orginally wanted my video to be on a big screen and in colour however when experimenting with the effects on iMovie HD I decided on a four screen effect in black and white. I did this because I felt that the video had a more intensity with these effects.